
Do you believe that art can have a great role in creating social change? Are you interested how we could tackle social issues with the tools of art?


Then join us on the 20th October at our free event in the CEU Auditorium!

In the frame of Ziggurat Project and Pro Progressione’s common international program, Fight Against Radicalistaion (http://zigguratproject.com/#/far/) we invite everyone interested in or working related to socially-engaged arts to come together.

The open forum gives you the opportunity to network in an international environment, ask questions, listen to each other and share your experience regarding any social issue. You can take part in workshops, listen to speakers in the mini-conference session and watch theatrical performances – all this in one day, and for totally free!


(The main language of the programs is English.
All programs are free, but you have to register for the workshop part!)

12: 30 - Arrival and registration – we’ll have coffee! ;)

Take action!
13:00 - 15:00: Workshops created by the participants of Fight Against Radicalism Training:

For this part you have to register: https://goo.gl/forms/uNU1pl2WKtNs3Sfw1

About the workshop:
Artists, makers, thinkers, social activists from Hungary, Italy, France and Portugal propose a 2 hours long workshop based on their exchange and experience during the 10 days of Erasmus+ program FAR (Fight Against Radicalisation). The goal of the workshop is to reach social engagement and sensitivity by using different tools of artistic practices from dance, theatre, film and circus.

Listen and learn!
15.30 - 16.30: Mini-conference - Speakers will share stories and experience about their art for society project(s).

Speakers and topics:
Tímea Szőke & Flóra Eszter Sarlós: FAR – Fight Against Radicalisation Youth Exchange (Erasmus+) project
Fanni Nánay: PLACCC Festival’s mission
Andrea Simon: CAPP – Collaborative Arts Partnership Programme of Ludwig Museum
Éva Papp: Projects of Tünet Együttes
Fanni Lakos: STYX one-on-one performance of Ziggurat Project
IlonaOrgon & Orsolya Fóti: Sajátszínház: SzívHANG/ Éljen soká Regina! project – A documentary theater play, with Romani women investigating the role of being a mother in Hungarian society
MOUVEMENTS MIGRATEURS: Art for Society projects from France
Sebastián Cortés: One-man-play created from poems of a homeless man

Talk and share!
16:30 - 17:30: Living Library – Instead of books now you can actually “rent” a person so you can share your thoughts with each other. Just how cool is that?

Watch and get inspired!
18: 00 - 20:00 Performances
MOUVEMENTS MIGRATEURS (FR): I came here to talk


Erasmus+, National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Pro Progressione

Ziggurat Project - concept
Pro Progressione – implementation
„H2O"-Associação de Jovens de Arrouquelas, Portugal
Giorgia Bolognesi & company, Italy
Visual created by Luca Molnár using Szabó Kristóf - Kristoflab's graphic: A train arrived


Details about the performances:

I came here to talk:
I came here to talk is a call to action from a white man wondering about the political and intimate meanings of his gender and race. He plays with frames and styles, summoning historical and cultural studies, but also voguing and R&B, all of which have been formative influences on the construction of his identity. Seeking to deconstruct the colonial paradigm, he displaces the norms and representations that constrain our bodies to cultivate a transcultural corporeal model. The stage becomes a forum, open to the audience, who is invited to share and occupy the space with the dancer. During the performance, perspectives are shifted to encourage the emergence of an ephemeral community of resistance and flamboyance.

Teaser :

We are constantly bombarded with images of radical acts and news of terrorism. Even if we can’t always grasp what we see in the media, anxiety is all around us. Is what we see real or manipulated? Three dancers and a singer will lead us into a world floating on the border between dreams and reality, where gestures and voices tell a story in search of the answers we’ve all been looking for.

