- A wall experience


shift of perspective.
skin peeling.
mental gaming.

This time, four dancers of Ziggurat Project are learning to climb. Even the composer and the production manager. The movement language of the new site-specific piece dreamed into Spider Climbing Club combines contemporary dance and theatre with real indoor climbing technique. We are looking for that certain state of awe, which is both frightening and uplifting, and in which we simultaneously feel pleasantly insignificant, yet connected to the whole universe.

Duration: 45 min.

Performers & co-creators: Eszter Mórocz, Flóra Eszter Sarlós, Kinga Szemessy, Krisztián Szilágyi 
Concept, choreography: Flóra Eszter Sarlós
Music: Ádám Munkácsi
Light design: Balázs Szabon
Production management: Tímea Szőke
Technical assistance: Tódi (Komondi Csaba) and the team of Spider Club
Promo video : Dániel Stámusz

Premier: 27.09.2020. Spider Club / PLACCC Festival, Budapest
Duration: 45 minutes

Press release

Supporters: Spider Club, EMET, NKA, PLACCC Festival, Pro Progressione